MovieChat Forums > The Broadway Melody (1929) Discussion > The Warner Bros restored DVD of 1929 'Th...

The Warner Bros restored DVD of 1929 'The Broadway Melody'

I know it was produced at MGM....I guess Time Warner bought a package from MGM.
(All my favorite Tex Avery MGM Cartoons now say Warner Bros. too :( )

I think this film was excellent for its time. The DVD also has a lot of other 'shorts' that MGM produced around that time.

The restoration is pretty good, except I can't find the scenes filmed in the Technicolor Process. Did they cut them out? Or did the color prints not survive?

And...what were the scenes that were in Technicolor?

( This DVD isn't a fortune....I think many would like it. I kept thinking of all the technical problems they must have had with the into of shown in "Singing In The Rain" 20 something years later.)

(BTW - That Singing in the Rain sequence in the Dog Ville short was amazing.)


The Technicolor scene was the "Wedding of the Painted Doll" musical number. The color sequence is lost, but fortunately black and white copies of the entire film still remain.


Ted Turner bought the MGM catalog many years ago - so occasionally on TMC you'll see a Turner logo before the MGM lion appears. I don't remember who Turner sold to, but it was around the time Time-Life merging with Warner and when several internet companies where making fortunes, there was AOL-Time-Warner... It's hard to keep all of the mergers straight...


Given that the Technicolor footage is lost and early Technicolor was pretty primitive anyway I would not be opposed to seeing the "Technicolor footage" segment colorized in shades similar to early Technicolor. After all, that would be closer to the original film than a totally B&W print.

