Wings review
You may or may not find this interesting. If you do, awesome. If not... meh.
You may or may not find this interesting. If you do, awesome. If not... meh.
Funny as cholora! (sp? You'd think I'd know how to spell that word, but i can't spell in either of the two languages i know...and no, the secod one isn't Armenian)Nice spoof, wybaron
Ha! "One less fool for the race to be ashamed of." If anyone is reading this: did you REALLY think all the guys in the movie made fun of Herman Schwimpf (later Joseph Schwimpf, but who's counting?) because he was GERMAN? Didn't you know all Germans are broad-chested, blond haired and blue eyed, and can bench press 400 lbs? Watch Jack's changing attitude toward him. The last scene between them is kinda corny, with the acting and all, but Jack and David make up for it.
And notice the leitmotif of the propeller...that stops. Twice david does it with his hands--once when he's waiting to steal a german plane, and once when he's dying. And then there's a real propeller, outside, that...stops. Sniff.
"All set?"
Now I'm really. honestly, going to shut up.
"Thus began our longest journey together." To Kill a Mockingbird
I wasted 5 minutes reading that. HOW AM I EVER GOING TO MAKE UP FOR THAT TIME??? ;-)