MovieChat Forums > Wings (1929) Discussion > HELP: Hershey's plug

HELP: Hershey's plug

Sorry about any misspells but my birth language is portuguese...

So. I'm writing an essay for college about product placement, and I've read it (good old wikipedia) that Wings is possibly the first known movie to display product placement (a plug for Hershey's chocolate). Now I have no intention to watch this movie (don't judge me, it's just that I have almost NO FREE TIME at all lately) and I was wondering if can anyone tell me how late on the film is this scene? I've found the whole movie on youtube, so it would be easy to just go there and play the scene. Thanks.


During training, when they meet Gary Cooper's character--He's eating one. Then, later he crashes and they clean up his stuff. Close-up on his half-eaten bar to emphasize the "here one moment, gone the next" theme.


Not sure if it places the Hershey's bar in a positive light, however.
White takes a bite of just before he goes out and crashes his plane and is killed.
Afterward, Powell and Armstrong are asked by an officer to collects Whites belongings.
Powell treats it like it's horse dung. Superstition can't allow him to touch it.


Charlie Chaplin uses the HERSHEY bar in CITY LIGHTS. As a tramp he is trying to get arrested after eating a large meal that he can't pay for. The cop is calling the police station for a paddy wagon while Charlie buys cigars from a vendor (he can't see the policeman) and Charlie hands two or three large HERSHY bars to some children standing near-by. What is interesting is that those bars weigh a pound!


Ah, the scene you describe did not occur in CITY LIGHTS. I have used this film in my drama classes, and I have seen it at least 20 times, if not more. That scene is not in CITY LIGHTS.

Perhaps you are thinking of MODERN TIMES? In this Chaplin film, the Tramp is released from jail and is trying get back in because he can get free room and board.



Its about 20-30 minutes into the film, during the main characters' air training sequence when they meet Gary Cooper's character. THey talk about luck as Gary takes a bite from the bar before declaring he has to "go out & practice some figure 8s before chow".
Not 1 minute later 2 planes collide. A sargent comes to tell the guys to collect Gary's character's stuff. As they do they see the bitten-into chocolate bar sitting a top some socks. As one of the guy gingerly tugs on the socks, not wanting to touch the bar, the chocolate flips over to reveal the Hershey's name.

Initially I thought it was a Hershey bar til the close up reveals a differnt label. Once the bar flips over its made evident that the side that was facing the camera was the reverse side.


I bet he crashes deliberately to get the taste out of his mouth.


It`s a Hershey`s with Almonds. I`d have eaten it (why let it go to waste?)

I find my solace then in bottles,
And I forget them axolotls.
