What MPAA should WINGS receive today
If the 1927 WWII film WINGS were released today, due to some of the bloody air battles and some fairly strong language, (I know it is silent, but any knows about silent films and can read lips read words like "Heinie Bastards, Jesus Christ and sob but of course the intertitle cards would read otherwise, although "damn" and "hell" did apper off and on thoughout the silent era) anyway the film would probably get a PG-13 there is also some brief nudity and in a restaurant scene with take place in Paris, 2 WACS are seen holding hands and non chalantly kissing while other drunk officers look on in dismay....I guess it would depend on the mood of the MPAA ratings board, it could get by on a PG for violence...maybe, but this is an era where a film like THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS get and R rating for mild and brief bloody violence, but no sex or any bad language, but AUSTIN POWERS and sequels gets a PG-13 so that tells me that they less adult tht TLOTM....I have recommended MOHICANS to friends who normally do not watch R rated films, but can easily be rn on TV uncut...and with a TVPG rating....I mean there are episodes of CSI that is 50 times or more as gory and gets a TVPG......but I regress, like I said the film is quite good, but is not necessary for youn children.....WINGS that is...