Shows a Lot of the Horror of WWI
I know it was a field in the US (California?) but Wellman had it look very realistic in that there isn't anything left standing and all the men, both sides, hiding in trenches like rats. And if that wasn't bad enough, that era was when the Flu epidemic struck - it's theorized that it spread so much because of men being quartered so closely together both at home and on the ships on their way to Europe. And then there was the use of mustard gas (first by Germany and then the Allies). A lot of it (after both WWI and WWII) was dumped in the ocean and trawlers then had burn victims because the stuff is still active even after having been in the ocean for 80+ years.
P.S. There's a scene in a Paris nightclub where Rogers is so drunk he thinks he's seeing bubbles everywhere - it was cute for the first two minutes but went on way too LONG.
This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!