Fantastic Stunts

This film has some of the best stunts performed by some really great pilots. That's why it wins the Best Stunt Award for 1927 to the Stunt Pilots.

Donovan Montierth
Brothers' Ink Productions


Considering there were no computer graphics, green screen or process shots available, the action sequences give even modern movies a run for their money.


"...the action sequences give even modern movies a run for their money."

The actions sequences in "Wings" were all done with real airplanes, often filmed from other airplanes. The last movie with extensive aerial combat sequences featuring real planes was probably "Battle of Britain" in 1969. Today's movies with their CGI videogame/cartoon aerial action can't compare to older films, and "Wings" is one of the best.


I agree. Very impressive action sequences with great stunts. A very exciting and entertaining silent classic.


What's up Hallmark!


fantastic barely covers it ... I think they stand as the greatest aerial stunts ever filmed... they are massive .. and givien the technology of 1927 ..plain amazing .... hand cranked cameras ... no radio controls from the director ... just hard work and amazing flying ... and still leave you with panting at the sheer brilliance


hand cranked cameras

No, just no. Certainly not in the aerial sequences and probably not in the rest of the movie either.



Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
