Abel gance is one of the most talented directors of all time, and yet he does not get the praise he so greatly deserves. Napoleon is a masterpiece not only in the silent film arena, but film alltogether. The only other silent film's that can compare to such a film like Napoleon is, Carl Dreyer,The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc, Murnau's, The last Laugh,Nosferatu, Sergei M. Eisenstein,The Battleship Potemkin,Fritz Lang's Metropolis, and other film that have high artistic quality from directors I have not mentioned. Napoleon should be released on DVD as fast as possible, and Francis Ford Coppola need's to relase the rights to this film, so the most updated version can be shown. As a film student I would love to see the full version of this movie;their's no need for me to mention how revolutionary this film is artistically, that has already been explained various times by critics and film fanatics such as myself. I hope that this film will eventually be released not only on dvd but in theaters.