But it can't be the new restoration, can it?


Yea looks it


Fantastic! I've been wanting to see this film for years, ever since I heard of it, and I didn't want to just settle for Coppola's shortened version. No discredit to the bloke, but there's "The Godfather"-style epics and there's silent movie epics, which seem to dwarf comparisons from the last 50 years. 330 minutes though?? Christ. That'll be a day off work then....


Scratch it all, dammit! THIS IS NOT THE FULL VERSION. It is shorter even than Coppola's version. It's something that was put together in 1934 with sound effects and (apparently) dialogue and it clocks in at a measly 135minutes (3 whole hours shorter than the properly restored version). Sorry, folks.


Atleast we still get to see it though


Yes but it's not the correct frame rate, it's not the full length, it's not properly tinted, it doesn't have the best score....


Dont watch it thn simply as that
