see this !

See this website :

This is in Greek. I don't understand Greek. Looks like a DVD copy of this film. It says "313'".

It seems to me that this is the running time. Am I right ?

313 minutes ? Is this the complete cut by Brownlow screened in London in 2004 ? Am I dreaming ?

Does anyone read Greek ?

"I don't have time for a drink with you. Have you got a phone number ?"
The Mother and the Whore


I translated the info and here it is:

Original Title: Napoleon
Translated Title: Napoleon also known as: Abel Gance `s Napoleon
Type: biographical
Production: 1927
Release Date DVD: 11/11/2002
Duration: 313 '
Color: Black and white

Looks like it but I wouldn't get my hopes up. You could try to buy it.

Last Films seen:
-Berlin Alexanderplatz:
-Episode 1-9.5/10
-Episode 2-10/10
