I just screened the first couple minutes of the shorter one, having watched the longer one in its entirety yesterday.
It did not seem to be moving any faster; it moved at the same natural speed. If it had moved faster, everyone would have been moving unnaturally fast. I did notice that they cut off the opening credits, that the picture quality was substantially poorer than the Best Buy (GoodTimes) version (which put the entire movie on one DVD side to itself instead of sharing space with another, and probably used a better film print), and the music was some scratchy old phonograph jazz recording instead of the classical music to which the Best Buy (GoodTimes) version was tracked.
One thing I noticed while checking the versions in the IMDB listing for the movie is that there were apparently different-length versions of the film, but it maddeningly doesn't go into any detail about what was cut and why. Was hoping to find some answers to that here. I really don't want to have to watch the whole short-length one to find out. If I have to watch the whole thing over again, I think I'll watch the one with the better picture quality.