The Texas?

Whatever happened to the Texas, the downed locomotive at the end of the movie? I hear that the producers of the film left it there, and now the rusted shell can still be seen in the lake. Can someone verfiy this, because I can't find any information on it, besides Roger Ebert's review that briefly mentions it.



So the train is no longer there inthe water at all? any of it?????

Charlie Chaplin RULES!


The train-that is the real Texas-is in the Atlanta History Museum and the General is in the Kennesaw Museum a few miles north of Atlanta.


The Book 'Silent Echoes' contains modern-day photos of most all of Keaton's filming locations, including the bend in the river where the Texas went through the bridge. Nothing remains of it.


try this web address for loads if info on the GENERAL loco and some supurb photos
