MovieChat Forums > Ben-Hur A Tale of the Christ (1927) Discussion > brit version 142m 47s. where can i get ...

brit version 142m 47s. where can i get 151min

hi where can i get the 151 min version the brit version is 142m 47s.and from 1995 which i doubt is the remasterd copy as germany is pall the same as uk so no difrence in runn time as far as i know.

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star."Stephen Hawking


Hi. The 151 minute version was released with the overblown Charlton Heston version a few years ago in the USA. It was part of a 3 (or 4) disc set. Gotta admit the transfer was great. I just wish I didn't have to buy the Heston one--I HATE that movie!


yeah i got it now found it in a second hand shop in cardiff a month or 2 back.
it was in a boxset 4 disc with the heston version split on to 2 disc,
the wife grabed it for me :) nice wifey, thanx anyway mate,
i wish i could get a region 2 or region free version of She with randolph scott its not been put out here.

'n ddrwg blaidd (BAD WOLF)


The Scott version of "She" isn't out there? That's strange--we have it here. Don't feel bad though--I'm still waiting for a Region 1 release of the uncut "Vampire Circus". You guys have the complete version--over here it was edited HEAVILY to get a PG. The DVD was released over there a few years ago but there's no plans to release it here. Really sucks.


the uk verion of Vampire Circus was given x rating and cut from 88 mins in 1972 to an unknown lenth, in 1987 it was given to the bbfc again for vhs but it was the cut version given to them and got a 18 cert at 83min.12sec. then in 2002 it was given to bbfc again for dvd with a runn time of 83m.33sec so i think its still the cut cinema version on dvd here with 18cert. useualy the bbfc website says previous cuts waverd or something like that. a lot of these hammer movies were ruthlesly cut by the bbfc befor going out to cinema and a lot of the cuttings were lost. so a lot of the hammer collections the films are a cut for uk cinema unless theres uncut prints around from japan or europe.
a thing they reportedly done was make 2 versions of a film 1 with tits n ass and lots more blood and 1 with less for uk and usa, a good example of this is vincent price movie witchfinder general, you can buy this with both versions of the film european and uk versions.

'n ddrwg blaidd (BAD WOLF)


Thanks for all the info but the American version ran about 5 minutes SHORTER than what you guys have! I know the scenes with kids being attacked have never been shown here. I saw it on TV where it was so heavily edited I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. Back when it came out in 1972 all horror movies were considered kiddie fare over here. If there was any nudity that was cut along with extreme violence. Trust me--u guys have a complete version over there. Yeah--I read the bbfc really went after Hammer films. I heard "Brides of Dracula" was torn to shreads before they allowed it out!

"Witchfinder General" was renamed "The Conqueror Worm" (for some reason) over here, was given an R rating and ADDED some minor nude scenes! Also they had Price reciting lines from the poem "Conqueror Worm" over the opening and ending credits. It wasn't until last year we got the European version. The changes were minor but it did help the film.


yeah theres 3 versions of the film on dvd now a euro version a uk version and some how a directors cut even tho he died in 68 - 69.
Conqueror worm aint that a poem by poe ?
i like price he was a brilliant actor i love that last man on earth and the equaly brill theater of blood. i love the bit with the guy asleep and they saw his head of and his wife gives him a dig and says "STOP SNORING" because the saw sounds like him snoring,
i do love the old films like that and the italian 70s n 80s movies lucio fulci dario argento ect and the uk hammers, i think the worst cuting to a hammer movie was the satanic rites of dracula, available from free download but its cut but not as bad as the uk version theres a list of the uk cuts in the comments there.
In the 80s here we had a "video nastys" clean up 75 movies got banned outright and 100s were choped to bits Maggy Thatcher (the evil primeminister of the day) and Mary Whitehouse (the uk version of tipi gore) decided that they would clean up the video and cinema market, people were sent to prison for owning films on the list, video companys went bust after being fined for realesing the films and video outlets closed in the 100s for having the films and geting fines or prison.
in the uk it is illigal to put out films on any format without going through the bbfc for rating, we dont have a not rated option.
sorry for any grammer mistakes im slightly dislexic.

'n ddrwg blaidd (BAD WOLF)


Hi.Yeah "Conqueror Worm " WAS a poem by Poe. Even though the film had nothing to do with Poe they had Price recite lines from it. Remember--back then Price was known for those Price/Poe/Corman films he did.
I agree with u--Price WAS a great actor--"Theatre of Blood" and "Aboniable Dr. Phibes" were great:)
Yeah--I heard about the video nasties which I thought was ridiculous. I did see the uncut "Satanic Rites..." Trust me, you're not missing a thing--LOL. I heard peoples houses were invaded if they were known to HAVE the wrong movies!!!! Thatcher was a monster--thank God she's no longer in power.
Don't apologize for being dyselexic. I had two exes that were the same. BTW I understood everthing u wrote:)



oh yeah the nasties time was awfull, i saw a few of the movies without a cert like evil dead, the exorcist, shatners visiting hours, zombie fleash eaters ect but compaire them to premutos lord of the undead and the gore factor is neglagent i think premutos is the most gore filled movie ever made. dont watch a dubbed version of it though if you get a chance to see it.
it would be like watching 7 samuri dubbed by the monty python team, lol
yeah they cut the most stupid of things like the lemon popsical films. the old tarzan films . things like terminator were cut to make it 18 but now its uncut and 15 cert,
bruce lee went through it aswell with the nasties, rules were no nunchucks or anything that could be use as it no ninja stars no more than so many kicks to the head no death moves ect like way of the dragon was cut so bad lee walks into restraunt owned by uncle and its full of bad guys they take him into back lane lee does a stance, all bad guys outide are dead/out cold he runns down steps does a stance makes noise, all bad guys are out cold and tells boss to go,i dont know if you seen way of the dragon but you proberly recognise the sceen and wats missing, thank god its uncut now although its 18 cert for violence. i done an esay on this movie cut - uncut for media study in university, 1940s censorship in modern cinema, i got in trouble for useing an uncut version of that part of the movie for comparison against the cut version, they said i needed special permsition from someone to show the sceen because its illigal at the time to show it to an audiance lol bad me i got told off, i told them i didnt think at the time.

oh caligula has finaly been passed uncut here full version,, it shows how times changed.
i think the last film to be banned outright was this year a cheapo called murder set pieces.
and they tryed again to pass death wish 2 uncut but failed think its missing 50 sec still, the cut are compulsury for sexualised violence but they passed iriversable uncut and that is 100 times worse i dont think they got a clue or it depends who is on duty lol
yeah atanic rites is not the best drac movie although lee is still formidable as dracula
after that film he said he will never play drac again unless a decent script comes up although hes been offerd the role since hes turned it down.
like tom baker as dr who he wont entertain being the dr again, its a real shame
[email protected]

'n ddrwg blaidd (BAD WOLF)


hi where can i get the 151 min version the brit version is 142m 47s.and from 1995 which i doubt is the remasterd copy as germany is pall the same as uk so no difrence in runn time as far as i know.

I'm not sure if you got a clear answer to your question or not. If I tell you stuff here you already know, please bear with me -- I'm just trying to help, not be a smart-arse.

The difference between the Brit run-time of 142 min and the run-time of 151 min for the original movie is simply because it's formatted on British (and German and Australian) DVDs for the PAL system of display, as opposed to the NTSC system used in North America. And PAL-formatted movies run 4% faster than the original film version. The film hasn't been cut at all.

So, if you want a DVD that runs the same length as the original movie, you'll have to get an NTSC one by buying it from North America. That means you need to have a multi-region DVD player, and a display that handles NTSC as well as PAL.

Or, you could wait for the (probably inevitable) Blu-ray release, and upgrade your entire system. (I'm giving Blu-ray a miss myself; it's personal choice, I reckon.)

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


thanx for that and the info but i got the film now they finaly relesed the same US package in the UK with the heston version in pal.
i got a ps3 which plays blu ray but im not buying bluray movies they are twice the price of normal and hd dvds, and your tv needs to have a hdmi slot to play the bluray in the qualety that they are intended, if you just use red white yelow plugs or scart you dont get the quality thats intended.
then your tv needs to be digital hi deff.
i got a hi def tv and a hi def dvd player conected through the hdmi.
my ps3 is through scart. to be honest i dont see much difrence so i dont know what all the fus is about.

'n ddrwg blaidd (BAD WOLF)
