What I Liked and Disliked
1.Keeping Christ off-screen, because the Bible does not mention what Jesus looked like, except this passage: "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." Isaiah 53:2 NIV
2.The costumes, sets, cinematography - magnificent. Each scene could have stills made and used to illustrate a book beautifully.
Disliked: Even a brief glance at scripture quickly reveals so many factual errors. Just a few:
1.The shepherds learned of Christ's birth through angels, not a star.
2. The star appeared to the Magi later; when they saw Jesus he was 2 yrs old or so, and living in a house in Bethlehem with Mary & Joseph.
3. The film doesn't mention Christ's resurrection, leaving one with the impression that he was just a good example, a martyr who remains dead, alive only because "He lives in men's hearts". Scripture says Jesus was resurrected 3 days after his death, stayed on earth 40 days, was seen of multitudes of disciples over that time period. He ascended to heaven after that and is alive today and will return as King not only of the Jews but the whole world. That is the day the fictional Ben-Hur knew was prophesied and was looking forward to - and that day is rapidly approaching!