In my opinion, Carmel Myers, as "Iras," is shown portraying tragic crying hysteria there, not laughter whatsoever. Either emotion can look pretty identical, when you can't also hear what sounds are coming from the person, and when the initial shocked grief reaction goes on strictly briefly. If you watch closely (I just now did multiple times), she's obviously very upset and horrified at first, then the shot switches to her most pronounced reaction, which is an hysterical cry. Look carefully, and you'll see that, as the shot ends, the look on her face is more clearly grief. I think many will always feel that Carmel Myers is shown inexplicably hysterically laughing there. But, to my eyes it's hysterical crying. I've seen, in person, on at least one family loved one, that exact sort of silent hysterical cry look, that registered, at first (five or so seconds), as looking like a soundless hysterical laugh, upon their receiving the shocking unexpected news that their child had just died. It's the reaction just before any sound can rise to the surface and come out of the mouth. The sobbing sounds of devastated absolute grief immediately follow. PS: Of course, Messala doesn't die from his terrible race smash-up. But, the accident has just occurred, and Iras doesn't yet know that he'll survive.