MovieChat Forums > Greed (1925) Discussion > Which version should I start with?

Which version should I start with?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in watching this movie and plan to in the next couple days. So where do I start? Should I watch the butchered MGM version or the TCM recut with the stills first? I'm planning to watch the TCM recut first, but I'm not really sure what to expect with the stills and such. This movie really looks like something I'd be into so if I like it enough I might end up watching both versions anyway. Which version is better to start with?


I'm in the same spot myself after learning TCM has and airs a four hour copy. The one shown recently was two and a half hours. I have that recorded on my DVR.


I recently saw this movie for the first time. I was worried that it might be too boring with the stills but I must say that TCM did an excellent job of incorporating the stills and making it work very well while keeping the film interesting.
I have never seen the shorter version, but I would definitely recommend the longer one. TCM did a great job and it is closer to what Erich von Stroheim inteded.


I saw the longer one with stills, watch that one! Even with the still pictures it makes the story flow, gives sense as to what is going on. Awesome film. It took me three days to finish it, one hour per each day, but it was beautiful. . . . A timeless theme .. . .

.;*We Live Inside A Dream*;.


Most likely you've seen it by now, but I'll give an answer for future lurkers anyway:

I just watched the 2 hour version and thought it was fantastic. The story flows really well, allowing the characters and situations to develop gradually but at a good pace - it doesn't feel slow, yet doesn't feel "rushed" and abridged either. Just right.

A few years ago, I actually started watching Greed with the four-hour version, thinking it would be more "true" to the film and so more appropriate. But the stills were quite annoying and it did drag - I stopped at about 40 minutes, and it's taken me all this time to return to it. I'm really glad I went with the theatrical version, it's a far better option IMO.

That is a masterpiece of understatement.
