The father of the twist ending? Isn't that a silly claim? While it may have been the first MOVIE with a twist ending, it surely didn't invent them. It doesn't deserve that much credit just because it was the first to utilize it in a new medium. And I stress new.
As for being marvelous in every aspect of its being... how can you possibly even hold this opinion? Given the time alone, the word "flawed" is almost implied. There are so many things here hindering the immersion. Changes in angles that also change THE ENTIRE BLOODY SCENERY for one. Secondly, the extremely unclear emotions portrayed despite the severe overacting. Editing is another issue, with things being, again, unclear.
Of course I could be alone on some of that, but it feels like I would have to watch this multiple times to just get the basic aspects of it, the things that should be obvious. It's really kind of a mess at times. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate films that require multiple viewings - but not in this way! More so, seeing clues about the twist in advance or such things. Not to confirm what the bloody hell is even going on.
Good movie overall, and very eerie, but in my opinion highly overrated. Classic, though, for sure. Love these sets. Highly artistic movie. Add to that the framerate and weird cuts, both which make people's mere movements look very surrealistic, and it's pretty creepy to boot! Ironically, I think this movie is in many ways more effective today. They likely took the framerate issues and jumps in frames for granted back then, so that probably added little for them. Certainly less outright scary today, but the atmosphere... The atmosphere!
Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.