MovieChat Forums > Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920) Discussion > THE first conventional horror movie

THE first conventional horror movie

So the Germans created the first science fiction film (Metropolis) in 1927 and were also responsible for launching horror films seven years earlier with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Horror, sci-fi, expressionism, beer, and looks like we geeks owe Germany a debt of cultural gratitude!


The first sci-fi flick was Algol (1920) - also German though


I thought the first sci-fi flick was 'A Trip to the Moon' (1902) or are we only talking full-length movies?


Germans was also early (if not first) with the monster movies - Der Golem ( from -15 or the version that survived the ages: from -20
Two different movies unfortunately as the first one is the golem going on a spree in modern (early 1900), and the second one is how he came into existance.

Some might find me morally challenged or morally ambigious. I prefer morally creative.


it looks like we geeks owe Germany a debt of cultural gratitude!
Yep, as long as it's geeks expressing gratitude to Germany (and not... well you know), then it's all good.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
