MovieChat Forums > Martin Van Buren Discussion > He just can't break 50% in approval, can...

He just can't break 50% in approval, can he?

This ol' Lib just ain't never gon' never get that sweet, sweet aprooooval, is he, boys? He just needs to take his old demuhkkkrat ass back to Kinderhook, NY and stay they're!!!! Hell yeah, let's make 'er great again boys!!!! Hell yeah!!!!


he used to get the Dutch vote


And he weren't not ever even Dutch!!!! Pure-d trikkkery, I tell yee!!!! Show me a goddamn birth certificate!


his parents were Dutch and he spoke Dutch. He was born in New York


Hearsay! I want proof. MVB's pulled the wool over our eyes for far too long with this fake news about his lineage and everything else!


keep your eye on Franklin Pierce.


That's funny. He was actually my first choice for my bullshit, but he didn't have a page lol.
