MovieChat Forums > Tim Walz Discussion > How to cook a squirrel for Christmas:

How to cook a squirrel for Christmas:


1. In a greased oval 5-6 quart slow cooker, combine the dead animal, vegetables and broth. Place squirrel over carrots, corn and potato's and other packaged material.

Sprinkle all left over remaining ingredients into the pot.

2. Cover and cook on low for six hours or until meat thermometer registers 180* F.

Grab cooking thongs and pulls foots and feet from pot.

3. Discard and throw what is left from the dead animal into the trash.


4. Cook the dead animal. But watch out for claws.
5. Pour a 3/4 a quart more water and 1/3 half and half into the pot.


6. Add 1 teaspoon oregano and put full stuffing mix box into pot.
7. Place cover.
8. 45 minutes later...pluck out eyes from squirrel using fork.
