Triggering day!

She's on her way to DC via Air force jet. Announcement at 5pm.

Bill Maher Calls Amy Coney Barrett a ‘Fucking Nut’ Over Her Faith, Gets Blasted by Jonathan Turley and Twitter

In the clip that circulated on social media, Maher calls Barrett a “f—ing nut” and even roped in a crack about Stormy Daniels. He said Barrett is Catholic, emphasizing that fact as a pejorative accusation.

“Really Catholic,” said Maher. “I mean really, really Catholic. Like speaking in tongues. She doesn’t believe in condoms, which she has in common with Trump, because he doesn’t either. We learned that from Stormy Daniels.”


Hack Lauren Hough:

“You ever look at someone, say, the probable nominee they’re going to try to shove forward, Amy Cone[sic] Barrett, and you’re like, dude, she looks like she’s in a cult and then lol oh good, she’s literally in a motherfucking cult,” Hough tweeted.

“1-2-3-4-5-6, SIX hardcore Catholics on the court now, she could be 7, but this rabid fucking lunatic makes the other 6 look like Unitarians, throw in an attorney general who refers to the Inquisition as the golden years, and we’re gonna fucking wish we had Sharia law,” Hough added.


This is critical race theory, the bullshit that Trump just banned funding of!

Marxist professor Ibram X. Kendi:

“Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.”

“And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point,” he continued. “It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.”


She's a great candidate, but of course the libtards have a problem with her because she's a strong woman who dares to stray from the liberal plantation.
