MovieChat Forums > Ilhan Omar Discussion > Democrats Literally Scream NOOO And Star...

Democrats Literally Scream NOOO And Start CRYING As GOP OUSTS Ilhan Omar In Act of Retribution


LOL watching them cry at the Capitol was hilarious. Although it is pretty insulting that they immediately played the race card without even considering the fact that she’s an Anti-Semitic, Anti-American, Islamic Terror Sympathizer. I’ve noticed the DemoKKKrats break down and start crying when they get even the smallest taste of what it’s like being a conservative. The squad is dead and they need to go back to their safe spaces, karma’s a bitch.


another racist liberal


Do liberals not care about her antisemitism?


The left has adopted antisemitism in support of the Palestinians.


Are you so lazy and stupid you cannot write out your own argument, or you are so brain-dead you cannot write at all and everything you know has to come from TV?
Act of retribution against what?


Every post is a YouTube video, and no replies at all...It's obviously a bot!


For being an anti American and pro Islamic terror traitor. Also it’s payback for Pelosi kicking Jim Jordan off the J6 witch hunt along with everyone who didn’t vote to impeach trump. karmas a bitch ain’t it


Against the same behavior from you guys, when you were last in control.


Libtards often freak out when they get even a tiny dose of what it’s like being a conservative


They are the worst sort of bullies, happy to dish it out, but cry like a little baby with just the slightest pushback.

It is amazing to see them constantly escalating the conflict, and EVERY FREAKING TIME, their escalation is met with a counter, they are utterly suprised, like there were just born, not yesterday, but... fuck, not even this morning, like ten fucking minutes ago.


They are a bunch of crybaby narcissists, it’s ridiculous. The most outrageous example is they justified and made excuses for over 571 violent riots but then as soon as a disturbance happens that they can connect the dots to pin on Donald Trump then all of a sudden they are defenders of our democracy or some shit. They cry racism yet are silent when Tim Scott is called the “GOP’s black puppet” or Larry Elder is called “the blackface of white supremacy”. They ignore their cult leader Diaper Joe flying illegal immigrants that he let in to red states like Florida yet when a small portion of them are flown to New York and Martha’s Vinyard (designated sanctuary communities btw) then all of a sudden they are pitching a fit and accusing the GOP of “politicizing them”


It is utter madness. Great point about the riots.


Not retribution. Just protecting national security. Something the Democrat party opposes.
