Anti Semite?

Or does she just say these terrible things on accident?


No and Yes+No


She is a Muslim and a Leftist. I'd be very surprised if she wasn't.


Anti Semite?

It's her defining character trait.

You would think by now we would no longer elect someone who hates a group of people only for their color, gender, or religion. But here we are.


This bitch makes me proud to be a Jewish Republican!


That sounds awfully hateful. Ironically the same thing you are accusing her of being. Irony is lost on some people.


What can I say? I learned it from her....


YES!!!!! LET THE HATE FLOW!!!!!!!!!!


btw: I'm just wondering, what did I say that was "hateful"? Allow me to defend myself.


You called her a bitch. That qualifies.


I'd call her worse but, I didn't know about what gets bleeped out here, if anything.... She's a terrible person. Why should I show respect?


So how do you defend the apartheid state that is Israel?


Just out of curiosity....Why bring up Israel? What does that have to do with this conversation?


Because you are a Jewish. Its relevant.


No, it isn’t relevant. But, I’ll answer anyway. What’s “apartheid” have to do with Israel particularly that doesn’t apply to any Arab country? Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia....commit numerous human rights offenses and the UN and Congress just glosses over it! If the Fakestinians are so oppressed, why don’t the NUMEROUS Arab countries absorb them? Arafat was from Jordan as are most of these people! Also, what happened to the millions upon billions of dollars the Fakestinians are given???? Talk about corruption! Just look at their “government”! If they worried more about flourishing instead of terrorism, they might be better off!


Oh that whole area of the world sucks. Agreed. The reason I think you being Jewish is relevant is the fact that she is Muslim. The Jewish/Muslim conflict comes into play here, whether you like it or not. The hate gets passed down from generation to generation.


He said nothing hateful. Some women are bitches, she's even worse!


I don't support the term "Semite" as a Jewish-Only moniker.

There are plenty of Jews who call Arabs scumbags and subhuman cockroaches. That should qualify as Anti-Semitic as well.

Why not just call it Anti-Jewish? If you hate Jews, your Anti-Jewish.

Ivanka Trump is a European female who converted to Judaism. She's hardly at all a Semite, but by the current definition she's already shed her biological and ethnic skin to exclusively become a Semite. That's Bullshit


By "on accident" I assume you mean "by accident". No, she says them intentionally because she's anti semitic.


A Muslim Leftist? Duh...
