MovieChat Forums > Nancy Mace Discussion > She was pro-transgender rights before sh...

She was pro-transgender rights before she was against it.

Woman is a hypocrite who changes her opinion depending on which way the wind is blowing.


“Voted for gay marriage twice. Would do it again. Have supported pro LGBTQ legislation. Draw the line at women being forced to undress in front of men or men using our bathrooms or any private spaces

The above quote of hers is directly lifted from your first link. Which part of that is hard to understand? I've even bolded it to make it easier for you.

And I agree with her. Men shouldn't go into women's spaces or even compete against them in sports.


Gay marriage and gay rights have nothing to do with transgender sex changes.

I'm merely showing you what hundreds of sites are saying, that she changed her position. She also calls male-to-females trannies "he". She's pandering to the new Trump Administration.

I don't subscribe to Rolling Stone and I can't read the article. I just know that every article I've read claims she has reversed her position on transgender rights.


"I don't subscribe to Rolling Stone and I can't read the article. "

So, you posted an article you hadn't read while claiming to know the content. Sounds like your standard operating procedure.

BTW, “Voted for gay marriage twice. Would do it again,” she said. “Have supported pro LGBTQ legislation. Draw the line at women being forced to undress in front of men or men using our bathrooms or any private spaces.” appears in the other article which is not paywalled. You must not have read it either.


I posted that for the reader's benefit, fool. I know the story.

She changed her position on trannies to appease Trump. The most glaring example is referring to transwomen as HE!


Your posts me of Jeff Goldblum's discussion of rationalization in The Big Chill.


Really? Mace did not refer to a trans woman as "he"? She's a hypocrite and a poseur, you blowhard.


[–] MCguy (1191) 2 days ago
Your posts me of Jeff Goldblum's discussion of rationalization in The Big Chill.

You dug deep for that referrence. Nice.


Not too deep. It stuck with me more than anything in the movie.


No men in the ladies room, it's very simple. Even mentally ill people can understand it.


I don't support penises in the ladies room either. And I don't want woman in the men's room when I'm taking a wizz at the urinal. That's not the point. Mace supported trans rights until it became an issue during the election. Now she's demagoguing on the topic, pandering for Trump's attention.


What is a trans right? Start there.


Things which I disagree with: "Women" with penises in bathrooms and locker rooms. "Gender affirming" care on children which includes surgery and puberty blockers. The whole idea that there are more than two sexes, male and female.

Once a man has had genital surgery and has a replica of female genitalia, he has the right to use the women's restroom.


Well I can't find anything Nancy Mace has said in the past where she is in support of men in the ladies room.

Once a man has had genital surgery and has a replica of female genitalia, he has the right to use the women's restroom.

Nope it's definitely not a right still though, even with a mutilated penis. No one has the right to enter the toilets of the opposite sex whenever they want.


If it looks like a vagina how are you going to police that?


Well luckily with 99% of trans people you don't need to look at more than their face to immediately know if they're really male or female, and the 1% of trans people that manage to fool others well they got away with it didn't they. It doesn't make them a real man or woman though, it just makes them duplicitous not righteous.


So it's an ugly woman. I don't want vaginas in the men's room.


It's not a vagina though, it's a mutilated penis. It goes in the men's room.


So do we make everyone take a chromosome test before they use the restroom?


Why would we need to make people take a chromosome test when 99% are immediately distinguishable? lol

the 1% of trans people that manage to fool others well they got away with it didn't they


I was in LA County Jail with trans fools. It's not 99% who look like linebackers in drag. Many of them make rather convincing ladies.

This is an average trans:

If you really observe them you can tell. But more-or-less most of them look like women.

You can't have guys like that sashaying around in the men's room, can you?


Your anecdote doesn't change that the majority of transwomen are immediately distinguishable.


This is a female to male transgender:

Do you want that guy on the right in the ladies' room with your mother, wife, sister or daughter? I don't.


I know you keep ignoring this bit as it totally destroys your arguments, but -

the 1% of trans people that manage to fool others well they got away with it didn't they


So you're saying that "guy" is one of the 1%?

Link your source which says only 1% look like the opposite sex. My link and photo speak louder than words. One more time, do you want that bearded guy in the ladies' room?


lol did you fuck a transwoman and are looking for validation or something? GTFO of here with your bullshit. Link the source that proves you're not fucking retarded.


So you want guy looking people in the ladies' room and chick looking people in the men's room? You pervert.


Your weak attempt at DARVO has been noted and rejected, fuck off commie wankstain.


Maybe she's not a hypocrite. She could have changed her mind after witnessing something or having a conversation with someone that changed her mind.


Or more likely she changed her mind after Trump was elected and now it will help her career to bash trans fools.


I dont think youre going to get this to catch on.


I'm not expecting anything to catch on. Her flip flop and hypocrisy has already been widely noted in the media. Thousands of Republican pols have ditched their previous positions to get the Trump Administration's approval.


You people are fucking pathetic and transparent lol. You lost GTF over it.


She just doesn't want men in the women's restroom. That's not being against transgender rights. That's just being sane and normal.


Meanwhile her own SC Republican colleagues are proposing the death penalty for abortion cases. Has she voiced her opinion about that yet?


Trump and the Republicans are hypocrites on abortion. If it's truly murder as they claim, why don't they want a national ban? They say leave it up to the states. Since when can the states legalize murder? Trump doesn't believe it's murder. He just wants the votes of Christian fundies.


Or ........ she opened her eyes 👀 and saw through the bullshit 💩.


No, she's the type who goes whichever way the wind is blowing. Just another fake politician. Why would anyone be surprised?


Who cares? She finally made it to the side of sanity and science which is all that really matters.

