I feel like i am the only one noticing his EXCELLENT work!
I just returned from seeing "Honey Boy". Its not in major release, at least not yet. Nevertheless it is his best and strongest role to date. He had a solid role in Ford vs Ferrari but this role doesn't really highlight the true scope of his talent. It was great to see him in this very successful movie.
A lot of people may never see "Honey Boy: which is a shame. The movie was an emotional Roller Coaster for me. I had to continue to remain myself this is just "acting".
This movie brought out the BEST of Noah's talent. Each year I select a young star who SHOULD get an Oscar, but kids dont get them. If I could, i would give him one myself.
He plays a young actor with an abusive father. I cant stand child abuse and its difficult to watch. The abuse was more psychological than physical but it lead to the destruction of his life as an adult. He basically became who and what his father was and worse. Its beyond heartbreaking to watch. His grown adult character is played by Lucas Hedges. He angered me beyond belief, but the pain of knowing that a young sensitive boy with such love and such talent was trashed by a father who failed to give his son any real love or appreciation or guidance. This is a time where i just wanted to reach out and hug him and tell him he was a beautiful person inside regardless of what his dad felt. Thankfully there was a character in the movie who did that. But it wasnt enough
My prayer is that Noah will never have to live through a life like this. Ive seen too many young actors self destruct for different reasons. I would really like to see Noah keep his life together and continue his excellent work. It is not unnoticed on My end.