MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > I love how she turns conservative men in...

I love how she turns conservative men into the apes from 2001

They get so easily triggered by someone's existence.


Naw. He really doesn't.


She? No, he. That's a guy in womanface.


The mere existence of this topic proves the OP is the one triggered... by people dealing in reality. "Mulvaney" was born, and will die, male. That's how it works.


"I know you are but what am I?"


Where shall I start?


Ha, that one reeled you back in after 2+ weeks. Triggered again!


You're like a 12 years old trying to insult an adult.


No one is triggered by this persons existence unlike you are your cult who are clearly triggered by the existence of “MAGA Republicans” that you people are now actively trying to murder us.


What we are annoyed with is your cult telling us that by dressing up as a woman you are a woman which is demonstrably false. Yet if we try to point out that that isn’t accurate you people will try to cancel us, shame us or kill us (like your mob tried to do to Riley Gaines)


Riley Gaines' story indicates that we are living through an age of historical insanity, to be read about by shocked schoolchildren decades from now (assuming deranged wokeism doesn't win out). Gaines was absolutely wronged, yet is being painted as a vile extremist for dealing in reality. I truly hope that a crazed leftist doesn't do something drastic...


Like I always say - if it came with a dick, it's not a chick.


Also just be honest with yourself, you are not nearly smart enough to appreciate a complex film like 2001: A Space Odyssey. You are probably more comfortable with films like Star Wars: The Last Jedi.


That’s not true and you know it. He mocks women and is starved for attention. It’s pathetic.


You just described every right wing Twitter personality.
