MovieChat Forums > Xi Jinping Discussion > Your real president if Sleepy Joe wins

Your real president if Sleepy Joe wins

Not Sleepy,not Kamala,not Obama. Its him!


That scares the heck out of me :(


We'll be a Chinese vassal state under Biden/Harris. The USA is going to be like those 3rd world countries that the USA and Russia would fight over by proxy in the Cold War era. I wouldn't be surprised to see Russia arming dissidents in America. We have fallen so far in the last 50 years and Liberalism is responsible.


China could bring down the U.S. without firing a shot. All they would need to do is stop exporting their junk merchandise and three-quarters of U.S. store shelves would be empty.


Death where is thy sting?


Excess of liberalism is what will bring the US down on the long run.

Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc... are all blocked in China in order not to compete with their local apps and companies, however no Chinese app or website is blocked in the US, just one very simple and basic example among many.


You just contradicted yourself.

Liberalism is what allows Facebook and other social media platforms to compete and have open access without Federal mandates controlling their content which is the opposite of Communism/Totalitarianism. Then you proceed to criticize China for its totalitarian control over their own media outlets by associating with American Liberalism. It's this kind of circular illogicalism that people like trump and his followers (QAnon/AltRight/BoogalooProudBoy) who act more like a cult continue to spread. Just more misinformation and division.


well said...
