MovieChat Forums > Xi Jinping Discussion > Any likelihood he'll ban wet markets?

Any likelihood he'll ban wet markets?

I doubt it, he'll say they're "traditional". But such a place WAS where Covid-19 started from.


I also doubt it, but I'm hoping that the Chinese government starts inspecting these wet markets in a way that the FDA inspects all aspects of American food production. I think even a minimum of improvements the way things are cleaned and handled should go a long way to preventing this from happening again.

China has been severely embarrassed by all this and will probably face sanctions of some type or another when this is all said and done, so hopefully the humiliation will be enough to spur them into action.


I hope it does, too.


yes. very embarrassing for china in highlighting their disgusting eating habits. theres going to be many years of humiliation for the Chinese over this. And of course it will go down in history as a horrific worldwide event with generations of people blaming them over the loss of loved ones, jobs/businesses, sporting/art events, and a general feeling of fear/suspicion for all


Many years? I think you're overstating this. By the time this all ends, people will have forgotten about it. I'm sure that some stuff Westerners eat offends the Chinese..

Often, the embarrassed party is paranoid and believe the world thinks about this all day. People have very short memories.


maybe you're right. I mean Germany got forgiven pretty quickly.. and theres already been an outcry over calling it 'Chinese virus' and being racist for saying its to do with china .

However those directly affected might not be so quick to forget.


Germany was not forgiven for WW1 ...... and WW2 still haunt germany to this day, their guilt feeling caused ankle merkle to get into power and open germany's border to millions of muslim migrants.

germany were not forgiven and they suffer to this day.


I think Germany was forgiven, but their involvement will never be forgotten.

My dad was a WWII vet, yet bought a brand new VW van for his business in the late '50s. Dad hated the Nazis, but loved the German people.

I also agree that the Germans are still suffering guilt over WWII, which I think is unreasonable. No German today had anything to do with the holocaust the Nazis caused.


no, you must be insane..... this will be remembered for generations.

and talked about and passed on like the stories of WW2.

this event will live in infamy forever,

family members of the dead, and the world economy brought to it's knees, with millions without pay, and food


The truth is the Chinese are the world's human maggots they will eat anything. Until it is stopped this will happen again and again until they manage to get a virus that kills the entire planet.


There are peoples all over the planet that will literally eat anything for protein including, ironically, maggots.. Nothing short of poison will prevent any protein from being eaten when the other option is to die of starvation.

Ebola and MERS were also animal sourced viruses from parts of the world other than China.

For pocket change, I can pick up a bag of beef jerky and consume more protein in a snack than many people around the world eat for a month.


The difference is the starving people in Africa that will eat anything do it because it is the only option. These wet markets in China are feeding poor starving people they are just feeding fucking people that will eat anything... You know the fuckers that eat tiger penis because they think its better than viagra, or kill a bear just to eat the gallbladder to help their hemorrhoids. So don't compare then to the starving these aren't starving just sick fuckers.


Inspections of a wild animal market would be impossible because you would have no clue what type of infection you were looking for and many of the nasties that end up killing people could be a virus that does nothing at all in the animals that carry it.


My understanding (and I'm not an expert by any means) is that they believe the virus wasn't from eating bats (the virus dies at temps below 140F- well below cooking temps), but from bat droppings getting on other food or otherwise being touched when the bats were harvested.

The other factor is that China must be held accountable - not for the virus as much as their attempt to hide it. The rest of the world could have gotten another six weeks lead time on this.


If they had been open about what was happening large parts of the world could have avoided it completely. When Ebola is found they almost instantly lockdown the whole area to contain the virus and keep it from spreading, that could have been and should have been done in Wuhan but it wasn't because the Chinese are greedy fuckers that didn't want to interfere with the business in one of their big cities. As soon as it was found in December they should have locked down all airports, trains and other transportation until it was burned out. That was feasible when it was only one city, but they didn't. They didn't even acknowledge it was a problem until it had already been allowed to leave their country and start infecting the world.

As for how the infection started, it has also been suggested that it was some bio-lab workers that sold infected lab animals in the wet market to make extra money instead of cremating the animals as standard procedures for a bio-lab. Their were known instances of other labs in China having the same thing happen with lab animals so it isn't too far fetched. Especially when it was stated that the bio-lab there was doing research on coronaviruses and was using bats. So it would probably be even more likely that the tained batmeat came from the lab. As for the virus dying at 100 degrees... that doesn't mean anything when you've got people that often eat shit raw or in some instances while it is still alive and squirming. I'm not sure what the standard cooking recipe is for bat but their could be fuckers that eat it raw just like you have westerners that eat raw beef.


theres also the notion that maybe china felt like well if we are going down with it and our economy will be fucked up and everyone dying might as well take the rest of the world down with us so everyones at the same level of economic ruin/death toll (yknow instead of being a ravaged but heroic country that saved the rest of the world by closing everything down when they realised they had this supervirus) ..I can sort of see that's probably how they roll

another theory on how it started : it was caused by the recent introduction of pangolins into the foodchain (which got contaminated with bats at these 'wetmarkets' as they'd never have come into contact with each other normally) and the way they were stored in crates live on top each other and the bats excrete a certain pathogen/virus when under extreme stress which then infected the pangolins and created this covid19 that got into humans.. or something like that


At the end of the day the world should take economic steps to pressure China to eliminate these wet markets.



Considering wetmarkets have brought humanity to its knees .. i should very much hope so.

(that is if it wasn't some virus released deliberately)



Seems ironic we should think they need more official oversight when a lot of people over here are always crying for the government to get out of our way. There are so many instances of US government easing regulations that lead to undesirable results. Trump did this with the CDC, to cut costs in some "non-essential service," and put his own yes-men in place. He's like a dictator, and now he's trying to remake himself as being so caring and concerned. Completely deceitful.


I think an international treaty banning wet markets is in order along with provisions to help poorer countries establish separate facilities for the processing and marketing of food products along with periodic inspections to insure compliance. Much cheaper in the long run than what we're experiencing now.


It was confirmed to be a lab leak. This was the cover story by the liberal news.
