MovieChat Forums > Billie Lourd Discussion > Just found out what a brat she is! [Sorr...

Just found out what a brat she is! [Sorry, Carrie πŸ’œ]

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I will repeat what I said on the original thread: Billie sounds like she thinks only her way is the right way and only her feelings matter. They have no relationship because she is part of the me, me, me generation of snowflakes that like to find fault with everyone and everything but t themselves. Shame on her my-way-or-the-highway mentality! She is awful for excluding her aunts and uncles!

The siblings had every right to release books or whatever else. Billie didn't own Carrie or Debbie. They were just as much a part of the others' lives too, and they shouldn't have to check in with little miss drama queen when they want to talk about THEIR LIVES and THEIR memories that don't involve her!! Selfish, bratty drama queen!

Oh, and she lies- they very much DID have a relationship, and Carrie's siblings knew her far longer than she did. Ever seen "Bright Lights: Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher? Todd was a delight in it, and they all got along beautifully! Shame on this brat for making unnecessary drama! Shame on her!!
