How many people did he trample?
That 9 year old that is in a coma, did Scott step on his head? What about the 14 year old that died? Did Scott curb stomp him?
I hate scapegoating. I fucking HATE. IT. It's mindless and nothing more than a mob mentality.
Scott did not know there were dead people at his show, use your fucking heads. This guy would not continue the show knowing people were being killed. No one does that. Even if he gets charged with reckless behavior or something akin to inciting a riot, he's still not the one who fucking did it.
There are people who walked over other human beings, and chose to do this, to get closer to a fucking stage at a concert. No one made them do this. No one can make you do this. They chose to and they are the people most responsible for this - - and NOTHING will happen to them.