MovieChat Forums > Cara Delevingne Discussion > Taylor Squad = No Talent?

Taylor Squad = No Talent?

I mean, this girl is awful. I don't see anything special or talented about her. Nor is she pretty, those eyebrows are considered sexy? Really?

Selena Gomez can at least act, sing erm... Not so much.

Then there's the chick from Pitch Perfect 2 who cannot act or hold a tune (that "Love Myself" song was crap).

Please Taylor, stop shoving these talentless chicks down our throats.


You might not find her attractive but many ppl do imo she's a straight dime but to each there own but wat the real problem i have is your making Taylor out as the be all end all no one gives a *beep* who Taylor hangs out with how she shoving Cara down your throat cause she was in a music video


Obsessed much? Lmfao. Thanks for the laugh.


She can't act, that's for certain.
