Am I the only one

Who keeps getting distracted by his abstract responses? I can't follow his train of thought for too long


because there is no train of thought. he's a conman.


Well at least I learned he likes Tom Waits, we have that in common


He is not a conman. I find he seriously answers the questions he si asked, which is relatively good.


That he does and he's quite a respectable figure, I personally get lost in his answers but that's on me.


There is a sense in which Jordan Peterson has been sucked into the black hole of his own mind. He can get so caught up in the rarified atmosphere of his own intellectual theorising that he doesn't seem to realise how unintelligible and preposterous it sounds to the layman.


Well the goal of communication should be to get the point across. One should be effective and precise when choosing the words. Otherwise point gets lost


I recall sometimes finding his answers too philosphical, but I don't recall not being able to understand his reply more than a time or two.


You should check out some of the short Youtube video excerpts taken from his round table discussion about Exodus. It's enough to give a pig indigestion !


Well, I'm not a fan of religious discussion, so those ones, I tend to tune out. Are you into in depth theological discussions?


Rule 10 - Be precise in your speech

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson


Ah don't need to read it then, already came to that rule on my own. Here's another one, "if it isn't true, don't say it". Kinda ties in with my other rule of "don't BS yourself"


No, you're not the only one. There are lots of stupid people.


He does a lot of word salad. A lot of people pretend to know what he's saying because they want to appear intellectual. I'm glad you haven't fallen into that trap. When he's confronted with a real expert he doesn't get anywhere. He's a smart guy with some good points but a lot of guys have elevated him to this god tier where he doesn't belong.
