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Caleb McLaughlin: “My very first Comic Con, some people didn’t stand in my line because I was black"

“Stranger Things” star Caleb McLaughin told an group over the weekend that some fans of the show are racist because they wouldn’t take pictures with him during the first season.

In a video that surfaced on Twitter Sunday, the 20-year-old actor said at the Heroes Comic Con Belgium that he dealt with racism early in his career after being the only “black kid” on the series.

“It definitely took a toll on me as a younger kid,” McLaughlin, who plays the popular character Lucas Sinclair on the hit Netflix show, shared in the clip. “My very first Comic Con, some people didn’t stand in my line because I was black.”


I saw this earlier and thought it was pretty sad that some of these actors have to get into this mindset.

His character clearly isn't one of the main characters who the show revolves around, so obviously he isn't going to get the same attention. It's a shame that everything has to come down to race. Probably just bitter he wasn't raking in $100 a shot for as many signed photos as the others.

I'd contrast this with the experience I had earlier this year at a comic con seeing the Cobra Kai cast.

We turned up early and there were an absolute ton of kids (including FootOfDavros Jnr) queued up to get Peyton List and the Binary Bros autographs.

The poor guy who plays Kyler had no queue at all. Not really that surprising as he's not the centre of attention character for the vast bulk of people. Anyway I felt a bit sorry for him and wondered up to him and said something along the lines of "Hey this must be annoying, this must happen everywhere you go, all the girls queuing up for Peyton".

He just laughed and said no it was fine, totally cool, he was just happy to be there and we landed up having a wee chat. He was a totally cool guy!

Now of course if that was this Stranger Things guy who'd been in this show instead he'd be calling it out as racism.


You spoke beautifully and correctly. Spot on! 😊


Another victim of "white savior" complex. Its truly sad to see how some black people fall for that narrative from white woke idiots set that "black are beneath whites" and start to see racism in everything and start whine about it. In his mind he truly believes that white cast members are better then him because this is what his white woke mentors told him.

I’m sure that Will line was smaller then Mikes and Dustins too. Because those are most popular characters. But he cant see it and thinks its because he is black.

Lance Bass was the least popular member of NSYNC because he was not as pretty as Justin, not lead singer like JC and not charismatic like Joey. And when they did RS cover for each member then Lances were sold the least. He didnt whine that its because he was white and everyone were racist. Because he knew it was because he wasnt the most popular member.


Another intelligent and well spoken reply 😊


Im sure that Donna and David were the least popular characters then Dylan, Kelly, Brenda and Brandon on 90210. And their line were smaller. None of them screamed that its because everyone are racists.


I am half white, half latina on my mom's side. My Dad's side is half white, half black. Half of my family is black. My cousins are awesome! But my one black, cousin Christy, saw racism everywhere. I remember one time we went to a KFC to eat, it was in a predominantly white area. We were waiting in line to place our order and when it was our turn, the cashier asked us if we could wait another few minutes because she needed to use the restroom badly and would be right back. I had no problem with it as she said they were short handed and she couldn't hold it any longer. I told her it was no problem at all and happily waited. My cousin Christy commented loudly enough for everyone to hear "Yeah, make the black girl wait."

It really get's frustrating. It had nothing to do with her being black, even I could see that. Ugh.


Out of the "kids", his character is probably the least interesting, and he is definitely the weakest actor. Probably more to do with that, than racism.
