
so im on twitter (i found a way back on after my explorer stopped supporting it a couple weeks ago) and notice the Forbes dude gleefully tweeting 'so who will replace Ansel for Baby Driver 2?' - and im like wtf? i look to trends and see his name trending. click on that and theres a ton of tweets all about 'OMG he is so cancelled!'.. 'wtf is it with these privileged white dudes?!'..'Logan Leman is so gonna take Baby Driver 2' and the usual endless memes of black ppl making faces all getting RT'd/liked thousands of times .. yet i cant actually find out what hes supposed to have done?


What the hell did you just say


yeh that dosnt help either lol



wow this will be all kinds of awks for Spielbergs WSS


Whether the act was illegal would depend on the jurisdiction. Ages of consent vary from place to place, wiggle room involving persons near the age of consent who might be charged vary from place to place, statutes of limitation vary from place to place, and the legalities of withdrawing consent for sex also vary.

But the fact is, if your partner tries to make you stop because they're in terrible pain and you don't, you're a terrible human being and deserve what you get if they decide to get revenge later.


He sounds like a creep but she should have kept that to herself.


Why do you think she should keep it to herself?

Personally, I think this will blow over quickly, the #METOO thing is so last year, and all the fashionable people are flocking to a different cause.


Because sex is private, it's his private life and her private life.

He didn't rape her.

A lot of people have bad hookups or bad first times with sex. I feel like she should have kept that to herself.


Well, if the story is 100% true she suffered pain and humiliation in her private life, which could easily have been avoided by a little consideration on his part. It doesn't sound like anything illegal was done, but it's a law of human nature that if you hurt someone when you could easily have mitigated their pain, you make an enemy.

And I'm going to ask you to think about the whole "sex is private" thing. That is a belief that gives cover to some pretty unpleasant things, things that can only be stopped if they're brought out into the open.


People do a lot of weird and freaky things in the bedroom and sometimes I'd prefer not to know what people do.


Not knowing can be easily achieved by leaving rooms, changing the subjects of conversations, failing to read news articles once you realize where they're going, and avoiding any moviechat thread that begins with the word "cancelled".

So yeah, I really don't want to know a lot about other people's sex lives, but that doesn't mean that I think that other people shouldn't talk about these things when I'm not around.


They're already talking about editing Elgort out of WSS.


Christopher Plummer is on stand-by...


He's the star of the movie though no?


Yes, he’s the lead. Much awkwardness ahead of this doesn’t blow over.


What a load of shyte. She was messaging him like a besotted fan girl does, he had sex with her. She was elated.

Then he dumped her fan girl ass. He never replied to her desperate messages. She didn’t like it, and claims sexual assault to make herself famous/rich/falsely avenged.

Prove me wrong.


Well she was 16 when she started fawning over him. He was 20.... right now you should see a problem. If he had a brain in his head he would have ignored her completely, but apparently he chased after her - dumb thing to do. He did wait until a few days after her 17th birthday to pop her cherry, so he clearly was trying to make sure he would be arrested for statutory rape since NY state allow for consensual sex at 17.

Now the problem is it isn't clear where lived at the time. If she was a NY resident then he can't be nailed for statutory rape... however if she was a resident of NJ or CT which is possible, then it wouldn't matter if she was 17 or not because the feds could go after him for taking a minor across state lines for sex. Those charges could hit him whether she hopped a train to meet him or he picked her up from her house, it wouldn't matter he would be toast. So some of the details are still missing but they are going to be crucial as to him getting away with it or not.

Then of course you still have the potential of her filing rape charges simply because he didn't stop when she apparently wanted him to, doesn't matter if he was already in or not, if she said stop and he continued on then it became rape. Frankly the dumb ass needs to lawyer up and start trying to come up with a payoff to make her go away because if he doesn't he will be a has been before he ever was.


Disney didn't dump WSS like they tried to hide Powder , dirty Disney
