Kinda sad

I wish he had gotten an Oscar nom such a freaking snub. Anyways now that awards season is over he wont get as much love as he used to.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Definitely age-ist- he did such a professional job that the only reason he wasn't up for Best Actor was his age!
Who knows why anyone even pays attention to the so- called Academy?

Except for the colossal hype- answered my own question.

So looking forward to his future work...


He'll be fine without a nomination. Though he deserved it, it's probably a good thing he never got the nomination. It woulda put immense pressure on a young child to live up to that potential. It's kinda unfair and sometimes the start of sad turn of events we've seen play out in Hollywood many times before.

He got all the exposure and goodwill he could have asked for just by participating in the awards season and being very charming throughout.

He and Brie have really pushed Room to the forefront and together they've been the best promotional tool for the film. The best effect of these Oscars is that more people are going to watch Room now, because during its theatrical run it didn't make much of a box office impression.


Those are goos points yes, I remember a few years ago that girl from that african movie was nominated and she was like the same age as Jake.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


He could have easily beaten Di Caprio which the Academy probably didn't want


No he couldn't have beaten him either ways. It was Leo's year. However, instead of nominating Matt Damon, they could've nominated him. Matt was okay in The Martian but he was nowhere near outstanding as compared to Jacob in Room. Had he been nominated, I'd say he would've at least given Leo a run for his money.


Leo should have won for 'Gilbert Grape', he ran all over Depp in that one.
I still remember his performance today. I don't remember a thing about Tommy lee Jones in 'Fugitive'. Leo should have won at least one other. My choice would be 'Blood Diamond'. Leo is one of the finest actors alive today...

That being said, I think this award was the academy's Mea Culpa for screwing him over so many times. In my opinion, Jacob's performance ran over everybody this year. It's one I'll never forget...


It was a stellar performance from a young child, but why wish an oscar on him, so early on in his career?! That's been the kiss of death for the careers of many actors.

So many have won oscars young, and fallen by the wayside. Hope he doesn't win til he's in his 30s and made a few dozen movies. Look at Dicaprio; didn't win an oscar til he was over 40, after 30-odd movies, and he is more popular than Jesus right now!


Youre probably right.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
