MovieChat Forums > Matt Johnson Discussion > My Favorite Filmmaker/Idol

My Favorite Filmmaker/Idol

Matt Johnson is a god among filmmakers.

Blackberry , Operation Avalanche, and The Dirties: Those are only his first films. He started out with the DIRTIES, which, all I can say, is a must-see. That movie will knock you on your ass.

But I wouldn't initiate a new viewer of Matt Johnson's films with The Dirties to start. I started with Blackberry, and I was blown away. Operation Avalanche was like a straight up knock-out, out of the park home run.

But THE DIRTIES... That is a masterpiece. It's Johnson's Citizen Kane. And Operation Avalanche and Blackberry are his F For Fake and Touch of Evil.

So All I can say is, I look forward to everything he does in the future, as a fellow Canadian, and as a fan of great filmmaking and direction. If you haven't seen any of the 3 I mentioned, You are missing out. Find them on youtube or on torrents, because I guarentee you will not be disappointed.
