MovieChat Forums > Emily Bett Rickards Discussion > This is someone's daughter, people!

This is someone's daughter, people!

What about her skills to deliver and memorize lines? What about the craft, and…oh f&^k it! Each scene she is in I lick my lips as if she is a monkey with a broken ankle in a lions den. My den. Meow! Don't stick around, cuz I ain't saying nothing here but to say praise.

Felicity/Emily is a character that may as well be a billboard for the "be kind, rewind" phrase. I usually miss a scene with her in it, and I need to rewind. I don't really know what happens. I got daughters and sisters. Mothers and all that ish. I know it is wrong to objectify people. When I got called thick by some younger girls in Charleston, I was at first offended, myself. At first! So I view this as complimentary, so please ONLY take it that way.

Cuz when this geek boy is all into his hero show and then this blonde, bombshell of Seduction glides in to frame and all I can remember for the last moment is legs, cheeks, calf, ooh another calf, thick framed glasses and ponytail…wait, what? It happened again (what is this mystical power of ponytails over me anyway?).

Then I come,err, log in to IMBD to do some minor casual stalk…research. Research (my dreams need detail). I start reading post about her bottom. Out of all the skirts and, I can't remember her in any pants nor do I want to ;), I missed her bottom. How? Because she is also the cause for pause. I either, depending on the shot in the scene/frame, am stuck in her "smile" or lost lingering on those legs. I don't even get to those other parts. So thanks to all the women and men here to opening my eyes to do, uh, further research. It's nice to know there is nothing wrong with me, as she is just Smoaking hot!!

Brandon Routh/Ray Palmer can act, boy. Cuz if Felicity was in my bed Twin Cheeks naked between some silk sheets…naww. I'm tripping. I'd fly around in my armored suit, too. I can always rewind. 47. That's how many times I have licked my lips typing this. 48, 49.

"What about me? Do I have, it?". "I'm sorry, what were you saying, I wasn't paying attention."
