MovieChat Forums > Ed Skrein Discussion > finally a well done Marvel villain

finally a well done Marvel villain

Nuff said

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Deadpool's final reply to that was the best!

Deadpool: "Who gives a f---!?"


He wasn't well done. Typical cliched one dimensional villain, but again I didn't go to see Deadpool expecting a deep layered villain or story.


Fox'S marvel movies have always had good villains especially the Xmen movies. Its Marvel owned by Disney that can't do them well.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avenger


He done an exceptionally awesome job seeing that obvious budget issues led to him not really having very interesting powers; not being able to feel anything and super strength seemed to be overplayed. But, he was freaking awesome still so that's real talent, no special effects needed lol
