MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > Probably shouldn’t be running

Probably shouldn’t be running

Given his health


Yes. It's cruel that his friends and family aren't giving him better advice.


Fetterman is awesome! That's nonsense, he definitely should be running, he is an average person with political experience who can represent the people of Pennsylvania. He is the same person he was before his stroke, and will be better as he recovers. Oz on the other hand, out of stater, out of countrier, from Turkey, and totally out of touch with the average Pennsylvanian, can only represent billionaire celebrities. He is a scam artist, like Trump with no experience. Mehmet should not be in American politics at all - he should go back and see how he does in Turkey.


You sound exactly like Trump it’s hilarious. In 2019 he said this exact same thing to Rep. Ilhan Omar telling her to go back to where she came from in Somalia and fix things there and then show us how it's done. You’ve posted some thoughtful things in the past but this shit you keep saying about the guy being Turkish and that he should go back to Turkey is classic Trump xenophobic bigotry and you don’t even see it


I didn't say he should go back to Turkey, I said if he wants to be in politics it should be Turkish politics.
You always have to chime in with some smart remark and is not smart.
Trump would never say anything that I said.
You only exercise you lame-os ever get is in stretching the truth to try to insult the Libs.
Your minds are so small that you never get tired of it.
But you love Trump's xenophobia, and think it is so cool,
but when you think you can turn it around it's a bad thing.


Brux, your post directly above rails on Oz being an outsider from Turkey and that he needs to go back there and see how he does instead of participating in American politics. You’ve raised this issue of him being from Turkey elsewhere as well. Your comments are the definition of he’s-not-one-of-us xenophobia. It’s almost word for word of Trump’s bigoted comments about Omar in 2019. You can call me all the names you want but in this situation, what you’re writing is wrong. Go home foreigner shouldn’t be part of the criticism against an American you disagree with.


If that is your interpretation, it's clear why you have to make up something to attack me with. It's just not the case. Oz is corrupt, so he would be better suited to Turkey politics, no xenophobia ... it's more corruptophobia which I hold for the whole Republican party.


You'd be surprised that he's a mix n' match. Pro-Putin but Anti-Trump. Frankly they're both bad candidates imo. If he didn't have the stroke I'd actually agree with Fetterwoman being the nominee. Now it'll just be another Biden where the handlers will do most of the work and the elected official will just wander and stare at times.


I probably shouldn’t have hassled Brux on it. Sometimes I agree with what he / she says, I’m just tired of everybody trying to humiliate each other in American politics. The country is 50-50 split. That’s a lot of people for for both sides. It would be good to stop vilifying each other. Maybe then we can get better candidates.


Should anybody be running.


