MovieChat Forums > Allison Williams Discussion > Does she show her tits?

Does she show her tits?

I don't watch the show Girls but I will if Allison Williams gets naked.


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You get some nice sideboob in the first episode of the second season with a sex scene, but she is pretty much the only girl in the show not to get naked which is a shame cause she is the most attractive one. But hey at least she has some class.

Maybe the dingo ate your baby


I'm guessing that out of respect for her father being Brian Wiliams of NBC nightly news, she keeps it classy.


Wouldnt it be better to be topless than have a simulated sex scene where a naked guy is grinding on your ass and you "look" naked in the scene and the only thing separating the two is probably some patches covering the genital areas. That's what I noticed in the new episode as I was channelsurfing


Not much up top I'm guessing...but she's cute as a button.


will never happen, she's like the sjp of the show, all sex scenes will pretty much be austin powers-style


Next episode she does, she said it in an interview


she doesnt gets naked
