MovieChat Forums > Allison Williams Discussion > Riding Lena Dunham's Coattails

Riding Lena Dunham's Coattails

Alison Williams has the depth of a pop tart. Such a bland actress! Relies on external (acting) and fakes her way through emotionally important scenes. I wondered if it was because her character is so one-dimensional. Saw her most recent beauty commercial, you could see the dullness and egotism that marks her Girls performance. Beautiful, so I understand the fan base and fascination but jeez Lena Dunham is infinitely more talented and interesting.

I am nobody's little weasel.


You are totally wrong about that, Allison way more beautiful, talented, and intelligent than Lena Dunham



Right, because Alison is the creative power behind Girls. Oh wait, no she's not. Dunham is. Alison is beautiful, I grant you that, but if this were a fair world Dunham would have more recognition for her work. And what evidence towards Alison's talent? Do you mean her watered down singing voice? She is a one-note actress and this will become more evident with the roles she will inevitably (and undeservedly) be gifted.

I am nobody's little weasel.


I think Allison is one of the better actresses on the show. I don't care for Lena's clumsy mumbling that she called acting. I think she's a terrific writer but Allison is a talented, blossoming actress.
