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Yeah, because being the next Jessica Biel would be such a failure.

Net Worth ~ 18 million
Married to Justin Timberlake who still makes all the girls swoon and whose net worth is closer to 100 million.
Has had consistant work for the last decade.


Spoken like someone who doesn't need their acting career to put food on the table.

I imagine 99% of the actors out there would die to have a career on the scope of Biel's. Sure, one could always have the desire to be taken more seriously, to be offered more challenging parts, or to be given acclaim from your critics and peers, but getting work precedes all of that.

It would be one thing if you were trying to say Williams will fade away after Girls. Or that she will achieve some success but never rise to the ranks of the elite. I don't really care if you like Williams or not, I just think its odd to try and classify a career like Biel's as a "failure".

I guess Stephen King is a failure as a writer too because he never won a Pulitzer. Or maybe Clancy is a better example as I am unaware of any literary awards that he has won (apart from those relating to sales).


Only people in Hollywood give a *beep* about "meaty" roles. The other 99%+ of America gives two *beep* less.


I have seen a commerical a couple of times that states at the bottom of the screen, "Allison Williams, actress."
I had to come here to find out who she is, I had never heard of her.


Jessica Biel is more talented than this chick. Williams is pretty to look at but acts like she's on a high school stage. I hope she gets replaced on Girls.


@ OP She's the only one FIT to be on the cover of a magazine, have you seen the rest of the cast???

Robin Hood Country....
