Generic looks.

A dime a dozen white blonde chick. If you google "Vanessa Kirby looks like" there's a bunch of different names. Personally, I think she looks like a mix between Amber Heard and Charlize Theron .


No way Kirby can’t even begin to compare with the perfection that is Amber Heard


At least she only shits on a toilet.


A mixture of two of the most beautiful women on the planet equals generic?


Definitely a better actress than Heard.


Not really, I think the hype is around her funky eyebrows. Around the world women in general think having caterpillars for eyebrows is the epitome of natural beauty, even though most of these types of canopies are fake AF via makeup, threading, or tattoos.

Without makeup this woman looks nothing like she does in the profile picture so I think her value to filmmakers is her ability to emote a façade with the right makeup. I've only seen a handful of movies she's starred in and she left no impression with me, but the same can be said for other hyped actresses like Soarse Ronin.


Nice misogyny you woke hypocrite.
