Proof that PJ Harvey is far better than Ariana Grande.
- PJ Harvey plays guitar and bass and a few other instruments. The only thing Ariana knows how to play is with emotions.
- PJ Harvey didn't rely on Disney to jump start her career.
- PJ Harvey writes every single song herself with no co-writers. Ariana needs co-writers and sometimes doesn't even write any part of her songs.
- PJ Harvey composes her own music. The only thing Ariana composes is a blueprint for another ugly tattoo.
- Dorset, England > The entire state of Florida.
- PJ Harvey can cross genres. Ariana can barely even do pop music properly.
- PJ Harvey doesn't do any collaborations. And she certainly wouldn't do any with lame artists. Ariana needs to do collaborations to sell her "brand".
- PJ Harvey produces her own albums. Ariana hasn't produced any of her albums because she's too busy licking doughnuts.
- PJ Harvey's music 30 years later sounds like it could have come out today. Ariana's "music" from 3 years ago already sounds out of date and forgettable.