Proof that Ozzy Osbourne is better than Ariana Grande.
- Ozzy was a trailblazer in heavy metal. Ariana did nothing for pop.
- Even with him on drugs Ozzy's music was better than a sober Ariana.
- Ozzy didn't start off as a Disney star. He's a rocker through and through.
- Ozzy may eat the head off a bat, but at least he doesn't lick doughnuts that are displayed for public consumption.
- Ozzy is The Prince of Darkness. Ariana is the Queen of Nothing.
- Everyone knows the guitar riffs for Iron Man and Paranoid. Most people can't even name an Ariana Grande song.
- Birmingham, England > Boca Raton, Florida.
- Ozzy didn't release a Greatest Hits album after only 3 albums.
- Ozzy's slurred drug-induced speaking voice is easier on the ear than Ariana's nasally whiny speaking voice.