One of few brit actors who can't do simpel accents. terrible.
It sounds like she's got a speech impedement. At first I thought she had some neurological disease like her father until I realized- she's just a terrible actress. If you can't do the most simple of accents.. looks don't excuse it.
It is so bad every scene with her is off putting because you're wondering whether she'll find it. Granted, the Irish accents of Di Caprio and something about mary were brutal.. but a flat american accent is easy to do... and more noticable to mess up. the horrible gangs of new york accents were unnoticed, this was not.
never a part as an american again please... HER FIRST LANGUAGE is english. it's not hard. Connie Nielsen is Danish and she masks it completely. maybe she should've given her advice..
Registered date
Tue Jan 23 2001