I would also like get paid to bitch slap her?
shareWhat a pathetic bunch of impotent simps we have here. I'd bitch slap you for free.
shareChill out, the OP was funny. You need to loosen up and quit being such a crybaby.
shareExplain what's funny about it. Go for it !
shareThe thought of bitch slapping Kamala is hilarious within itself seeing how much she deserves it.
shareShe is a decent, well-intentioned woman. You're an idiot, w/ 'mommy' issues pretty clearly, as your pals.
shareHarris is a low-IQ, bad-intentioned whore.
shareHAHAHAHAHA, she’s a brainless twat who only got as far as she did because A) of her race and gender B) Because she was willing to put out.
She was the most unqualified candidate in US History, she was a stupid bitch and I’m glad America was smart enough to throw her ass out.
You need to lighten up, your outrage over the OP is only exposing your own immaturity. Grow up dude.
"What a pathetic bunch of impotent simps we have here. I'd bitch slap you for free."
You'd try, then you'd wake up on the floor surrounded by your teeth.