He was part of Roberty's council but Robert died before the dragons were hatched. if Stannis knew anything then it was simply that Dany was the wife of a horse lord and nothing more.
Yep. He left for dragonstone right around the time he learned a girl in the far east is about to be wedded to a Dothraki horse lord. So he probably knew about that matter...not sure about the Unsullied but who knows, word might have spread but Stannis didnt give much priority to her.
the news of Dany taking meereen was not known to the Night Watch as a hole. only to Aemon and Sam.
Some things are left to our interpretation, the show doesn't explain everything in detail. But then, its not the night watchmen's concern, it's the Lord commanders and other noble lords who looked into such matters.
Kings Landing had much better sources of information until Varys left. most of the people of Westeros and the various lords knew little of Daenerys. they had no information source to speak of.
I think Varys wanted to see Dany on the throne and he found a perfect companion, Tyrion while Baelish, on the other hand, nobody knows what he really wants, whether he wants every throne claimant dead, I'm not sure but Stannis was part of his plan and he was really expecting him to defeat the Boltons. It's sad that Stannis had to rely on his false God and ruin everything.
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.