MovieChat Forums > Maisie Williams Discussion > Maisie in Teens React!

Maisie in Teens React!

The Fine Bros got Maisie to react with the usual guys in their show...

"Shoot a few scenes out of focus.I want to win the foreign film award"(Billy Wilder To a cameraman)


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I admit this board has had little improvement since 90's standards, but at least they but buttons above the comment box with a few key markup codes. It is really very easy to make a link actually work. Just sayin

The Fine Bros got Maisie to react with the usual guys in their show...

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


Weren't we supposed to evolve and becoming more intelligent as a species?
Seems we are going backwards with every next generation.
Thats not aimed at Maisie in particular, just the entire generation of teenagers nowadays, acting stupid. Thinking stupid. Sounding stupid and above all a total lack of respect.

This paragraph makes you part of the problem. If you lived several decades or several hundred years in the past, you find people saying the same things. One of humanity's worse trait is the lack of self awareness and having a really short memory.

Remember you are complaining about people's knowledge in video games. You, a person who likely never had to collect clay from the river and use them to mske urns. Someone who probably does not know how to hunt for food uding tocks snd bone, or use the Antikythera computer to find out where Mars will be next month.
