MovieChat Forums > Maisie Williams Discussion > Arya Stark is her first acting job?

Arya Stark is her first acting job?

She is an amazing child-actor (and I suspect in a few years, an amazing actor). I don't see any other acting credits for her - is Ayra Stark really her first role?
If it is, they took a big risk in casting her as such a major character, but it really paid off! Maisie really excels in this role, and probably will excel in many more in the future!


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In one of her interviews she said she never even thought about doing acting before auditioning for the role of Arya. She's trained mainly as a dancer before this. She's a natural. No training, she just has it. Some people do.




I am amazed, too! But she seems to KNOW what to do.

Lexa is cute!


Wow I'm really impressed. Most of the kid actors out there really suck and keep getting roles and this girl acts like a pro even though this is her first role ever. I hope to see her in more stuff after this.

"Beat on the brat, Beat on the brat, with a baseball bat Oh yeah"


Kind of makes you wonder how the GoT folks managed to find unknown child actors who can actually act while the Harry Potter folks couldn't.


That's a nice story, but children actors work with coaches and get a lot of takes when filming. She's a really great actor to watch, she's having fun and it comes through; but the "oh I never even thought of this acting thing" is a pretty common line that is sold to the public.

Tell me- if she didn't know anything about acting, the actual business of acting- how did she find herself in a casting office? They don't hold mass open calls for these roles in the local mall- someone knew her and passed her name on.

Stories like these are concocted by the publicists to increase the 'magic'- and it's largely untrue.


I suspect the background in dancing helps a lot and her very brief bio says she does musical theater, which contains singing, acting, dancing, and dialog.
