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How will her inevitable future sex appeal affect Arya?

I won't spoil anything down here, but this question is more directed towards book readers who know Arya's future.

The reason we love the character in the book is because she is a cute, defiant ten-year-old; the perfect little sister (or daughter) you would never need to worry about when she's out, who refuses to be the mouse in a dangerous world. As the novels progress, she falls deeper into darkness, but she is still not older than 11-years-old in the last published novel.

Maisie, on the other hand, turns 16 this year. This is the age that turns a girl into a woman (biologically, at least). She does have a screen presence that says "12-years-old", but how long can she and the directors hold onto to that? How long can she stay a defiant child rather than a defiant young woman?

Maybe my worry is for naught. I guess time will tell, but the fact remains, that if they choose to do all seven books (five are published), it will take 7- 10 seasons filming them, which ends up making her (and the rest of the kid actors) into pure adults. I don't worry much about the other characters, though, since I don't believe that their characters need to be seen as a child out of necessity. Arya has that need, however, as it puts weight on how small Arya, a child, is, but also how dangerous such a child can become, when mind is put to task.


I am still in the first book but I think they will have to go away from books a little in case of all kids` characters. I think this is also a reason why they actually made them older in the series (Sansa is 14, not 11, Arya is 12, not 9 etc.) It could be a problem with Maisie because she grows up but I think they will have to avoid "specify time" in the case of the TV show. Also, the book series is not even finished yet. I am curious what will they do when they get to the last published book and have no material to continue with.


I agree that it won't necessarily create a problem when it comes to the other characters, but Arya's underdog-status and boy-childish attitude carries alone the reason for her immense popularity. I hope this won't be an issue, because Arya is my absolute favorite character in the books; precisely because she is a girl-child (yes, I will name my daughter Arya, if ever I become immoral enough to bring a child into this world) facing the dangers and darkness surrounding her; all the time trying to not be the mouse, but rather the wolf.

That will hopefully not be an issue. They will be doing book three into two seasons, for instance, so the problem is still far away. George R.R. Martin will hopefully not find himself with the problems he faced writing the last two novels.

I also recommend you to make sure to have read the third novel before the premiere of season 3. It is widely regarded as the best of the five, and for good reasons. It should definitely be read before watched on TV.


I don´t know if I will make it. They are big books and I don´t have much time for reading. I am not sure I would be able to stay away from the show...but I can try :-)


Personally, I couldn't stop reading; neglecting sleep and studies alike, so I just read all the books in 15- 20 days in February. Amazing reading, really! I don't feel I exaggerate when I dare name this saga a masterpiece in modern fiction. I learned the hard way that I have too long overestimated the power of authors whose work have survived the passing of time, thus being titled 'classics'; little did I know that legends with the power to create life yet live among us.


I love it, too. But I am going every day to work to another city, spending about an hour on my way there and way back, so at that time, I read (the only advantage :-)) but then I get home very late so I am not really in the mood for reading.
However, I recently had this "one more chaper" feeling with Stephen King´s book (11/22/63) and I got through 800 pages in about 5 days. I got first four books of the series into Kindle, so I can take it with me everywhere (the books are really heavy and even though I am a book geek and I used to refuse Kindle, it is a handy thing for travelling :-))
So I expect to finish the first book soon but I don´t think I will make it to the third one until the premiere of the new season. But I can wait til the end of the Season 3, and watch it all at once...then I could possibly make it :-)


You have to let the books go. They aged the kids in the series to have better children actors. The kids will she faster than the books timeline. That is part of the problems with Sansa is giving a 15 year old the thought process of a 12 years old.


I have noticed that her cloths are getting looser, so I'm wondering if they are factoring that into a future plot twist.

Yea so what!


I actually think it's fine because in the books some characters start noticing that Arya's looks and how she's pretty like Ned's sister was. And there's even that semi-sexual moment where Gendry tries to wrestle with her after she gets dolled up in aSoS
